Matthew 22:37~39

37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38. This is the first and great commandment.

39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to bring you into a closer relationship with God as you identify; therefore we have kept our structure limited. The Elders, as we call them, founded the church over 15 years ago and have now set forth these bylaws to be shared with the public at large.

                             Why now? God's Will.

Upon joining our church, which is simple to do, you will start out as an Initiate. While the Initiate period is normally set for three years, it may be extended longer. Once an Initiate becomes a Minister, they are then expected to start their own organized outreach.

Initiates may choose to remain as Initiates for as long as they desire. Elders may call upon Ministers or Initiates to become Messengers to the public when necessary.

Messengers are not allowed to speak for the Church, but only to convey the publicly available information on this website. They are not allowed to enter into discussions on church beliefs or doctrine.

We keep our doctrine light in order to encourage action over discussion. Our bylaws are clear, simple, and ordained by God; they will rarely, if ever, be modified.

Anyone who wants different rules may simply form their own church according to their beliefs.

We believe you directly answer to God and if you follow Jesus's two commandments, your sins should be minor and easily forgivable. What are sins? Doing something you know will cause someone else pain is a sin.

DO NOT let others push their views on you or falsely claim they determine what is sinful.

Martin Luther told the Catholic church over 500 years ago they were wrong, and then started the Reformation. We do not bow to, or acknowledge Catholic dogma as being "ordained by God," as how can a Priest be filled with the Holy Spirit and still be capable of raping vulnerable young boys? 

On Idolatry and the First Commandment:


If you are of any other faith, but you wish to join, you may do so. This is one of the ways we spread our message of love. All we require is that you adhere to a few basic rules:

1. Enter into a loving relationship with God as you identify.

2. Show love to others by valuing their beliefs, opinions and lifestyles as they do yours.

3. Female homosexuality is not banned in the Old Testament. Discrimination against one gender is wrong!

4. Gender and racial discrimination is unacceptable and against God.

5. Any member of our church who opts to go thru gender reassignment may do so after conferring with God and ones parents if said individual is a minor. God has given us Free Will to live our lives as we decide.

6. Before any non-member of our church can try to argue with these position, they must first answer the following question:

Why do some women miscarry and others do not?

If you cannot answer that question, then you have no right to claim your Religious views are more correct than ours.

We see Idols and Icons as an affront to the First Commandment. As stated in the Ten Commandments - I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to thyself any graven thing; nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them nor serve them..

Public Church Bylaws

1. Priest-Penitent Privilege

Any member of our Church may take on the role of Minister if a member or non-member comes to them for counseling. If the individual is a minor, and you are an adult, you may not use this opportunity to convert the minor to our faith.

Criminal activity is expressly NOT covered by privilege. If you have committed a criminal act, you need to turn yourself in and God will aid you as he sees fit. Only then can you seek forgiveness.

2. Discussions with non-members:

Church members are allowed and encouraged to discuss their views and outreach with anyone, however they must make it clear that this is their own personal view, and not the Church's view. While we do not promote Bible study, our members are free to read and interpret the Bible as God has permitted them to understand.

If any member of our church is asked a question about their faith, our faith requires that our member be allowed to ask a question first, without interruption. While others may wish to provide a different view, you are always allowed to tell them that your faith prevents you from debating minutia.

Some may feel this is a way to shield our faith from questioning. You would be correct as this is OUR FAITH!

3.Tuesday - The Holy Day of Obligation:

You are required to begin your duties thru personal community outreach. We do not dictate what you must do, that is between you and God. We only require that your outreach be consistent.

Tuesdays are sacred in both the Old and New Testaments. In Genesis 1:10-13 God described Tuesday twice as being good. In the Jewish faith it is referred to as #GivingTuesday.

It is also the third day of the week, signifying the Holy Trinity.

In Christianity it is known as The Day of Confrontation and is our most sacred day of the week. This is the day Jesus delivered unto us his two greatest commandments. This is the day we require you to fully dedicate yourself towards your spiritual outreach.

We recognize that many of our members must work on Tuesdays in support of their family, or attend school in furtherance of their education. These two pursuits are the only allowed outside activities on Tuesdays. Members are to be especially giving of kindness to all they meet throughout the day.

Families are required to hold communal breakfasts in the morning and dinners in the early evening in which all members must assist in both cooking and cleaning up, followed by meditation and or prayer. You must use this time to discuss your faith, your outreach programs, and to bond as a family.

Sundays must be used for rest and relaxation as much as possible. Outdoor activities are highly encouraged to keep your health up.

4. Donations to our Church:

Members are not allowed to accept any donations on behalf of the Church. We are not now, nor ever will be a 501(c)(3) entity. Any member receiving donations of items such as food and clothing must ensure that the goods be given to food banks and charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army as soon as possible.

Many Christians have fallen away because they see the Church as more focused on their pocketbook than on their soul. We would rather you use your money and resources in your local community.

5. Public Proselytization:

Our Church members are not allowed to proselytize in public.  Public proselytizing has only led to conflict and as a result, has driven people away from the faith.

Matthew 6: 5~8  5.And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6.But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7.And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8.Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

6. Separation of Church and state:

It is our strong belief in the First Amendment and the Separation of Church and State. 

President John Adams, our second president and a Founding Father, clearly states in the Treaty of Tripoli that the United States was not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion. At the time of the signing, Thomas Jefferson was the Vice President, who also served at the President of the Senate, which had unanimously ratified the treaty.

We strongly and firmly believe that any type of religious organizations, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or any of the other equally protected thousands of religions currently being adhered to by people of faith throughout the United States Of America should not have any sway over politics.

Nor do we believe that the display of any religious documents belong in our public schools.

It is strictly a parent's job to introduce and instill their faith in their children.

7. Abortion:

Only members of our church that are able to conceive are able to set guidance or discuss abortion. Said members may only discuss their views with others who are able to conceive. Our belief is that when a woman has decided to not proceed to child birth for their own personal reasons, after conferring with both God and receiving counseling such as provided by Planned Parenthood, then God has agreed not to place a soul in the fetus. God accepts a woman's right to express her free will as such.

Roe v. Wade had been a part of our church doctrine since our church was formed over a decade ago. We do not take God out of the equation in a woman's right to choose. Roe v Wade has been mandated by God as the time-frame for a woman to make her decision. Any shortening of the current time-frame can only be seen as forcing a woman to make a decision before both she and God are ready.

Anyone assisting the woman in obtaining the procedure is acting according to God's wishes and carrying out God's Gift of Free Will. God has provided the doctors with the faith and skill necessary to ensure the procedure is as safe as possible.

If the Catholic Church wishes to debate this point, then please first explain what happened to Limbo.

These are the tenants of our church

and are in accordance with

God's Law.

Members are allowed to publicly declare their membership in our church only if they feel it is necessary.

We will post a message from our elders from time to time. These are to simply remind you to serve God by returning his love for you and to share His Love with those around you!

For more information email me at